by OOI February 7, 2024Abbey Ojomu, also known as Ojomu Abiodun Wosilat, introduces her latest single, “Dry Bones,” a song that resonates with hope, faith, and restoration. As an accomplished artist, convener of the Glory of God Conference, and founder of QAVAH, Abbey Ojomu infuses her music with purpose and dedicated devotion.
Abbey’s life-transforming walk with God began in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos. Born into a Muslim family, her encounter with the divine call in 2010 ignited a transformation.
Abbey’s mandate is clear: to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. She aims to touch hearts and souls.
Her new single “Dry Bones” is a praise offering to the Maker. Abbey Ojomu’s soul-stirring vocals, accompanied by a celestial choir, create an atmosphere that transcends earthly boundaries. Inspired by Ezekiel 37:1-10, the song breathes life into weary hearts, reminding us that restoration is possible even in the most desolate moments.
The word of the Lord
(la parole du seigneur)
To Ezekiel the prophet
(à Ezéchiel le prophète)
Son of man can this bones live again
(fils de l’homme, cesospeuvent-ilsrevivre)
Oh dry bones
(oh os secs )
Thus saith the Lord
(ainsi parle le seigneur)
This day you are covered with flesh
(ce jour tu es couvert de chair)
Suddenly there was a shaking and noise
(Soudain, il y eutunesecousse et du bruit)
Bone came back to bone
(L’osestrevenu à l’os)
All covered in flesh
(Tout couvert de chair)
Yes dry bones live again
(Oui, les os secs revivent)
Dry bones live again (repeat)
(Les os secs revivent)
Dry bone shall rise again
(Les os secs remonteront)
Dry bones shall rise again
(Les os secs remonteront)
I need us to be prophetic in this room
(J’aibesoin que nous soyonsprophétiques dans cette pièce)
I need us to prophesy
Scriptures says and I prophesied as the lord commanded (Les Écrituresdisent et j’aiprophétisécomme le Seigneur l’aordonné)
Suddenly there was a shaking and rattling
(Soudain, il y eut un tremblement et un cliquetis)
Bone began to come back to bone
(Les osontcommencé à redevenir des os)
All you need is the word of the lord
(Tout cedonttu as besoinc’est de la parole du seigneur)
Has the lord spoken a word
(Le seigneur a-t-il dit un mot)
Can you begin to prophesy
(Peux-tu commencer à prophétiser)
Dry bones are rising up now
(Les os secs remontentmaintenant)
Speak to this dry bones
(Parle à cesos secs)
And the word of the lord came to Ezekiel
(Et la parole du seigneur futadressée à Ezéchiel)
Son of man can this bone live again
(Fils de l’homme, cetospeut-il revivre)
Child of God there’s a power that is at work in you (Enfant de Dieu, il y a une puissance qui est à l’œuvreentoi)
Impossibilities become possible
(Les impossibilitésdeviennent possibles)